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Leadership, & Staff

Members of

Trinity Baptist Church

Trinity Baptist Church is composed of baptized members who are committed to trusting and following Jesus together. We have a congregational form of church governance, which means that the members vote on church-wide decisions including the approval of pastors and deacons.


The pastors at Trinity Baptist Church are committed to leading the church by setting a personal example of following Jesus, faithfully teaching the Scriptures, and wisely administrating the functions of the church (Timothy 3:1-7).


Deacons are elected by the congregation to serve three-year terms. During these terms, they steward the resources of the church (finances and facilities), oversee member care groups, and function as a decision-making body along with the pastors.​ Our deacons are committed to "holding the mystery of the faith with a clear conscience" and leading with personal examples of integrity and godliness (1 Timothy 3:8-13).

Staff and Ministry Directors

The staff and ministry directors seek to lead with spiritual integrity and organizational excellence. 

Pastoral Residents

The Pastoral Training Program is a two-year on-site course of reading, mentorship, and practical experience that prepares men for pastoral ministry.

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