Please join us on Saturday, April 1 for exhibits and workshops on our campus. Exhibits are open from 10am – 5pm. A banquet will follow from 5-7pm.
Seminar Schedule
- 11:00 Turkey Calling 101 Room 213 (Quaker Boy Pro Staff – Joe Judd)
- 1:00 Shed Hunting Room 213 NH Shed Hunters (Rob Richardson)
- 1:00 Bear Hunting in NH Room 114 Overview: methods, techniques, habitat &Biology (Craig Rennie & Wade Reed)
- 2:00 Choosing the right scope Room 117 (Rob Tibbo – CDI)
- 2:00 Flies for New England Room 214 (Dave Kolesar) NH Rivers Guide Service
- 2:00 Hunting the 3 phases of the rut Room 114 Northwoods Common Scents (Dean Vanier)
- 3:00 Landlocked Salmon Tactics Room 214 (Bob Wyatt – Wyatts Flies)
- 3:00 Leashed Tracking Dogs for Big Game Recovery Room 213 (Diane Richardson-Working Class Canines)