Care Net of Concord has asked the community to join them in praying for some specific needs from Mother’s Day, May 9 to Father’s Day, June 20. They are asking that their ministry would be a place where God’s power is on display in opportunities for their clients to encounter Jesus. Will you commit to a prayer journey with your family?  You can download the prayer guide here.




Our missionary to Cambodia, Tom Johnson sent us this exciting update this month:

 “The Ministry of Health has asked me to write or prepare a protocol for treating Covid-19 as an outpatient for the country of Cambodia. We now have hundreds of new cases of Covid-19, since starting the emphasis on getting the vaccine. This is a tremendous privilege and honor that God has blessed me with. This amazing opportunity will continue to open doors for us to share the Gospel here in this needy country. There are many other doctors and medical teams working here in Cambodia, the fact that they asked me to help is nothing but the blessing of the Lord! 

I met today with Dr. Sokrey and discussed the protocol that I prepared, using mainly Dr. Kory’s research from Milwaukee regarding Ivermectin. 

We meet again, tomorrow. I would appreciate your prayers for the implementation of this new protocol for treating new Covid-19 cases. Also, I will be advising on prevention and prophylaxis, especially on preventing the deadly “hyper-immune response” or the “Cytokine Storm”. God is working exceedingly abundantly above all that I could ask or think for the sake of the Gospel!

Brother Tom