Senior Pastor Candidacy Week

We are excited to have Jonathan Threlfall and his family with us from September 2nd through the 9th. Please note the following items that are scheduled for the week:

Sunday, September 2nd – Pastor Jonathan and Christa will join the Senior Saints Sunday School class. He will be introduced during the morning worship service and he will also preach that morning.

Monday, September 3rd – Pastor Jonathan will be attending a men’s breakfast at CitySide Grille (25 Manchester Street, Concord) at 7:30am. Please sign-up at the Welcome Center so that we can give the restaurant staff adequate notice about the number of men attending.

Wednesday, September 5th – Pastor Jonathan will be speaking during our adult prayer meeting.

Thursday, September 6th – Pastor Jonathan and Christa will enjoy a time of coffee and pastries with the Senior Saints at 10am in the Fellowship Hall. Any others who are open during this time are welcome to come.

Sunday, September 9th – Pastor Jonathan and Christa will be sharing their testimonies during a combined Sunday School time at 9:30am in the auditorium. He will also share a devotional during that time. Pastor Jonathan will once again be preaching during the morning worship service. We will also have a time of questions and answers with Jonathan that evening at 5pm. That will conclude no later than 6:30pm and we will enjoy a pie fellowship to end the evening.

Additional instructions regarding the Q and A session on Sunday evening:We will begin receiving questions this Sunday. Please either fill out a question form at the Welcome Center or submit your questions via email to no later than Thursday, September 6th. We will not be having an open mic forum for that session; only questions submitted ahead of time will be considered. Thank you for understanding! For the pie fellowship, please bring a pre-cut pie to the service to share.