Pastor for Outreach and Discipleship
TBC Benevolence Fund
Here at TBC our deacons and pastors manage a Benevolence Fund that exist to help our TBC church family who fall into financial difficulties. It’s been a help to many in our congregation. Our priority is household of faith, but at times we also recognize a need in our community and give a helping hand. This past year we have been able to help needy members with their car repairs when they least suspected it. We bought a college student a computer who was in great need, and gave out gas cards and Walmart gift cards to people who had come to the end of all their resources. One time we were able to help pay the hotel room of a woman with a special needs child who had no place to sleep.
When they became aware of a need for financial counseling, some of our deacons have stepped in for discipleship in this area, meeting one-on-one with those who desire to learn how to better manage their finances.
Our distribution of these funds is governed by written guidelines, and we prayerfully consider how to best use them. If you see a need in the body of Christ, please inform your deacon. We also wanted to inform you and thank you for your giving to our Benevolence Fund. If you would like to give to this fund you can do it online here. You can also earmark your gift through your normal Sunday giving on your offering envelope.
Special thanks from GFA Mission Board
Dear Friends:
Thank you for regular support of the Beamans, Hudsons, Sheltons, Garrens, and Karen Hall. This is a tremendous blessing to them each month as they serve on their various fields.
In addition, the very generous amount for the Mumu Church Planting Project and the very generous amount for the Beamans’ vehicle fund as well as the extra gifts for the Hudsons and Sheltons in December and January are thrilling and will greatly benefit these missionaries and their ministries. Although they are located at a distance from you in New Hampshire, you have an essential part in the work of the Lord in Zambia, Austria, Nova Scotia, and PNG.
Along with your giving, your prayers are a blessing as you intercede for the Lord’s enablement to carry out His ministry. We appreciate your partnering with us.
Sincerely yours,
Dale Crawford
Administrative Director
Late last year Gail Holder came to us with the idea of mobilizing a Griefshare ministry at Trinity Baptist Church. Griefshare is a 13-week, Christ-centered support group seminar for people who have been bereaved of a spouse, child, family member, or close friend. Each session features a video presentation on topics like comfort, answers and hope. In the past two years, many in our congregation have lost loved ones. After much prayer and planning, we had our first seminar at the end of 2020 and then a special Griefshare evangelistic event before the holidays. God worked in amazing ways to bring relief to grieving hearts. On February 14 we started our second group. We now have 14 members and many of those are special guest from our community. Please pray for Dean and Nancy Carlson who stepped up to lead this group after taking the training. Gail Holder has formed a prayer group with Kathy Schafer, Lorraine McKeever, Annie Southard and Joyce Watts who all work now with our Griefshare ministry.
Will you please intercede with these women for God’s comforting work in hearts over the next 13 weeks? Do you know someone in the community who has lost a loved one and could use the comfort of some understanding friends and the Hope only found in Scripture? Please let us know. In Christ there is HOPE for the grieving!